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15 Assisted Living Communities in Palmdale, California

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $4,500 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 15 Assisted Living Communities in Palmdale and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Palmdale, CA

  • Assisted Living: $4,500
  • Nursing Home Care: $7,604
  • In-home Care: $4,767
  • Adult Day Health Services: $1,565

Assisted Living Facilities near Palmdale, California

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Palmdale



May 3, 2021

I visited this facility

I visited Rancho Village in Palmdale, and it's very good. I know people who are currently residents there, too. There was a person named Lisa who is very good and very nice, and she facilitated the tour. They asked if I had time to go sit down and have lunch with them, so I did. I looked at a studio and a one-bedroom, and they're a good size. They have all the standard amenities like a cafeteria area, a study room, and a social room.



August 18, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My parents are in Rancho Village. They staff and service is excellent, and the apartment is well-maintained. The meals are healthy, and the staff is very cordial. They have an exercise area, classes, a barber shop, and transportation. They have bingo, and I just saw they had some musicians come in and serenade them.



May 1, 2019

I am/was a resident of this facility

Rancho Village is very good, and the people are very nice. There's stuff going on all the time and the food is very good. They have a library, pool room, chapel, TV room, and activity room. Our apartment is very nice and 500 square feet with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The staff is great.



April 13, 2018

I Am A Friend Or Relative Of A Current/Past Resident

The facility and staff at Pink Coral Residence II are excellent. The home is affordable, clean; the staff caring and compassionate. It was home to my father who recently passed. He was very happy there and it was a pleasure to see a smiling face when I saw him indicating to me that he was pleased to be living at Pink Coral. Thank you Rex, Rey and all of the staff for your kindness and your exemplary care of my father. I will miss him and in my heart I believe that you will miss him also.



March 30, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My parents absolutely love Rancho Village. It's more expensive than we wanted, but it has a chef, games every day, somebody who comes in once a week and cleans their house, changes their sheets, and does their laundry. Somebody does everything for them, which is really wonderful. They also have their phone and TV in that one price. I haven't eaten the food, but my mother said that it's like going to a restaurant. It's really good food every single day. The woman whoI talked to was terrific. She showed us around the place. My mother has not had any problems. She has beginning Alzheimer's, and she said they help her constantly.

Map of Palmdale, California

Assisted Living Costs in Palmdale

Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study shows that at $4,500, the average monthly cost of assisted living in Palmdale is the same as the state average and $500 higher than the national average. Prices are similar to the north in Oxnard ($4,575) and also to the south in San Diego ($4,500), while prices are significantly lower to the east in Riverside ($3,500). 

Statewide, assisted living costs tend to be highest in coastal cities, such as San Luis Obispo ($5,450), Santa Cruz ($5,595) and San Francisco ($5,500). Prices are lowest with the inland cities, including El Centro ($3,650) and Bakersfield ($3,150). 

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Palmdale, so data for the closest city, Los Angeles, was used. 

The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas

Palmdale/Los Angeles Area


National Average


State Average




Santa Maria




Yuba City




Care Cost Comparison

Average monthly care costs in Palmdale start at $1,565 for adult day health programs, which include nonmedical services delivered in a communal setting on weekdays only. Residential care services cost $4,500 for assisted living and $7,604 for semiprivate nursing home care.  In-home care from a homemaker or home health aide costs $4,767 per month in addition to the usual daily living expenses, such as rent, groceries, property taxes and home repairs. 


Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Palmdale

Medicaid in California

One in four California residents are enrolled in Medicaid, the state-administered, federally mandated health plan. By law, Medicaid must provide coverage for physician, hospital, nursing facility and home health services. Each state has the option to offer additional benefits that may include prescription medications, vision and dental care, enhanced health screenings and diagnostic services and personal care. 

California is a Medicaid-expansion state, and the California Medicaid program is called Medi-Cal. To qualify for free, long-term care services, including home and community-based nursing home diversion programs, seniors must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a monthly income at or below $1,242 when applying as an individual, or
  • Have a combined monthly income at or below $1,682 when applying with a spouse, and
  • Own a maximum of $2,000 in countable assets, such as cash and investments, or
  • Own a maximum of $3,000 in joint countable assets when applying with a spouse, and
  • Be a legal, permanent California resident with U.S. citizenship or qualifying immigration status

Exempt Assets

When only one spouse needs Medi-Cal coverage, the non-applicant’s (community spouse) income is disregarded. The community spouse may also keep up to half of the couple’s joint assets worth up to $126,420. 

Some assets aren’t counted when calculating Medi-Cal eligibility, including:

  • One personal vehicle 
  • Household furnishings
  • Clothing and personal items
  • Most life insurance policies worth less than $1,500
  • Prepaid, non-revocable burial plots and funeral contracts
  • A home in which the applicant and/or their spouse lives, irregardless of the assessed value

Applicants who don’t have immigration/citizenship status may qualify for emergency Medi-Cal services only. 

Share of Cost

Seniors who have high recurring medical expenses and a monthly income that exceeds Medicaid eligibility limits may qualify for Medi-Cal enrollment on a Share of Cost basis. 

Also referred to as Medicaid spend-down or a medically-needy program, SOC allows seniors to spend a portion of their income on approved medical services and supplies each month up to an amount agreed upon. Once the monthly spending limit has been reached, Medicaid benefits are activated for the remainder of the month. 

Note: Seniors who enroll in Medi-Cal under an SOC agreement are excluded from Medicaid home and community-based waivers. 

For more information on Medi-Cal enrollment and the SOC/Medicaid spend-down program, contact the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services at (866) 613-3777. 

Assisted Living Waiver

Seniors with long-term Medi-Cal coverage who meet the criteria for nursing home placement and can safely reside in a noninstitutional setting with support may qualify for the Assisted Living Waiver

The ALW pays for medical and nonmedical services that let seniors live in a participating assisted living facility. These services are assigned on an as-needed basis and could include adult day health programs, personal care and housekeeping, physical therapy, mobility aids and skilled nursing. Participants are assigned a case manager and services are regularly reviewed and updated. 

Medi-Cal covered seniors who already live in a nursing home can apply for the ALW, and if accepted, they’re provided with transitional support to help them move into an assisted living facility. 

Note: Seniors who enroll in the ALW must pay the room-and-board portion of their monthly living costs. 

To learn more about the ALW, Palmdale seniors can call Access TLC Home Health Care, the Los Angeles County Assisted Living Waiver Care Coordinator Agency, at (818) 551-1900. 

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Elderlife Financial Reverse Mortgage

Senior couples aged 62 or older who own their own homes and need access to funds to finance a move for one spouse into an assisted living facility may qualify for an Elderlife reverse mortgage.

This regulated financial product lets homeowners borrow money against their home’s equity without having to make any monthly mortgage payments. The money borrowed is nontaxable and can be structured as an open line of credit, a lump-sum payment or monthly payments made to the homeowner. 

The lender charges an interest rate based on the age of the youngest borrower. Because there are no regular interest payments, the amount owed increases over time while the home equity decreases. The balance of the reverse mortgage, plus all accrued interest, must be paid to the lender when the noninstitutionalized spouse leaves the home, the homeowners pass away or the home is sold. 

In order to qualify for a reverse mortgage, at least one of the homeowners must remain in the home. Applicants must also complete extensive HUD-approved financial counselling. 

For more information, call Elderlife Financial at (888) 228-4500. 

Optional State Supplementation

Seniors aged 65 and older who collect Supplemental Security Income benefits and reside in an assisted living setting may qualify for an SSI top up through the Optional State Supplementation program. 

The OSS adds state funds to increase the monthly SSI/OSS benefit of $1,194.37 a month for individuals and $2,388.74 for couples. The money provided through the OSS helps SSI recipients pay the room-and-board portion of assisted living costs. 

For more information, contact the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213. 

Assisted Living Resources in Palmdale

Transportation and Support Services

Seniors aged 62 and older can apply for a senior annual pass from the Antelope Valley Transit Authority to enjoy free, unlimited rides on the local transit system. Seniors who are unable to use the fixed-route system due to disability can register for the Dial-A-Ride door-to-door service. Antelope Valley Transit Authority
42210 6th St. W., Lancaster, CA 93534
(661) 945-9445

Senior Center

Seniors aged 55 and older can make new friends, pursue hobbies and participate in exercise classes, workshops and arts programs at Legacy Commons, a city-funded community center. 

Legacy Commons
930 E. Avenue Q-9, Palmdale, CA 93550
(661) 267-5904

Veterans Services

The Antelope Valley VA Clinic in nearby Lancaster provides outpatient primary care services, and comprehensive hospital care is available at the West Los Angeles Medical Center

The Los Angeles County Department of Military and Veterans Affairs helps vets and survivors file for VA benefits, such as Aid and Attendance and Housebound. Veterans Services Officers are stationed in a number of locations throughout LA County and vets can call the main office to request at-home service.

Antelope Valley VA Clinic
340 E. Ave. I, Lancaster, CA 93535-1941
(661) 729-8655

County of Los Angeles Military and Veterans Affairs
1816 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90015
(877) 452-8387

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