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9 Assisted Living Communities in La Salle County, Illinois

The average cost of assisted living in the county is $4,770 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the county, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 9 Assisted Living Communities in LaSalle County and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in LaSalle County, IL

  • Assisted Living: $4,770
  • Nursing Home Care: $5,916
  • In-home Care: $3,886
  • Adult Day Health Services: $1,647

Assisted Living Facilities near La Salle County, Illinois

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Map of La Salle County, Illinois

Assisted Living Costs in La Salle County

The Genworth 2018 Cost of Care study provides a convenient way to compare senior care costs in different locales. The study reveals that assisted living rates in LaSalle County ($4,770) are significantly higher than the national ($4,000) and state ($4,030) monthly averages. In Illinois, only the Chicago area has a higher monthly cost at $4,794, but Bloomington isn’t far behind at $4,650. Prices in other Illinois cities are much lower and fairly consistent, including Kankakee ($3,986), Peoria ($3,750) and Champaign ($3,578).

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for LaSalle County, so data for the closest city, Rockford, was used.

LaSalle County/Rockford Area


National Average


State Average






Champaign Area






Chicago Area


Care Cost Comparison

Geographic location impacts senior care costs, but other factors such as the type of setting, care level and provided services play a major role too. In LaSalle County, nursing home care costs top all other options, followed by assisted living. Both provide residential care that includes room and board, but nursing homes offer round-the-clock specialized services, which explains the higher rates. Homemaker and home health aide services cost about $900 less per month than assisted living. When household expenses such as utilities, food and maintenance are added to in-home rates, this cost difference quickly evens out.

Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in La Salle County

Medicaid in Illinois

The nationwide Medicaid program was implemented to provide health care services to low-income Americans with few resources. Medicaid is funded jointly by the state and federal governments and administered by the state according to federally mandated guidelines.

In Illinois, the Department of Human Services administers the state Medicaid plan known as the Medical Assistance program. Services covered by the program include:

  • Doctor and specialist visits
  • Inpatient, outpatient and emergency hospital care
  • X-rays and lab tests
  • Prescriptions
  • Necessary medical equipment
  • Long-term nursing home care

The Illinois Department of Human Services handles MAP applications and eligibility decisions. To qualify for coverage, seniors in LaSalle County must be U.S. citizens or legal residents and over age 64, blind or disabled. Income and asset requirements also apply:

  • Income is limited to 100% of the federal poverty level, or $1,041 per month for single people and $1,409 for married couples
  • Assets are limited to $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for couples

If only one spouse in a married couple applies, MAP guidelines allow the transfer of up to $2,739 in monthly income and $109,540 in jointly owned assets as spousal resource and income allowances for the non-applicant.

Over-income seniors may also qualify through a month-to-month spend down. This allows excess income to be put toward medical care, treatments and supplies to reach the required limit for coverage to begin.

To apply for MAP benefits, LaSalle County seniors can call (815) 433-1572 or visit the DHS Family Community Resource Center at 1560 First Ave. in Ottawa.

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled

The state of Illinois provides a monthly cash supplement to qualifying low-income residents through the Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled program. To qualify, applicants must be aged 65 or older, legally blind or disabled and meet one of these criteria:

  • Ineligible for SSI benefits based on income
  • Under age 65, disabled and ineligible for SSI due to excess income

LaSalle County residents can apply for AABD benefits online, by calling (800) 843-6154 or in person at the DHS Resource Center in Ottawa.

Assisted Living Bridge Loan

Bridge loans from Elderlife Financial are expressly designed to provide short-term funding for seniors who can’t cover upfront entrance fees or monthly living costs at an assisted living facility due to a temporary cash crunch. The loans are set up as a line of credit so seniors can withdraw the exact amount of cash needed each month.

The 24-month maximum term gives a borrower time to sell a home, sort out long-term care insurance or have government benefits kick in. Applications can be completed online or over the phone, and approval and access to funds often occur within one business day.

To learn more about assisted living bridge loans or apply, LaSalle County seniors can contact Elderlife Financial Services at (888) 228-4500.

County Senior Centers

Two thriving senior centers enrich the lives of LaSalle county residents with a wealth of programs and planned activities. The offerings include a delicious weekday lunch, monthly potluck meals, health and hearing screenings and local and out-of-area transportation for medical appointments. There are craft and quilting clubs, computer and fitness classes, a variety of entertaining card games, community bingo sessions and an array of fun-filled planned events throughout the year.

Bridges Community Center
809 21st St., Peru, IL 61354
(815) 431-8034

Mendota Area Senior Services
1901 Tom Merwin Dr., Mendota, IL 61342
(815) 539-7700

Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging

The Western Illinois AAA is an invaluable access point to connect LaSalle County seniors with resources and programs to meet their particular needs. Agency staff can aid seniors with referrals to local resources that provide advocacy for long-term care, assistance with making community-based care choices, help navigating government health care and other benefit programs and finding transportation options. Western Illinois Area Agency on Aging
729 34th Ave., Rock Island, IL 61201
(800) 322-1051

Nearby Assisted Living Communities

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Other Senior Living in La Salle County, IL

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  • Assisted Living in Miami Dade County, FL

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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