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11 Assisted Living Communities in Porter County, Indiana

The average cost of assisted living in the county is $3,675 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the county, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 11 Assisted Living Communities in Porter County and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Porter County, IN

  • Assisted Living: $3,675
  • Nursing Home Care: $7,939
  • In-home Care: $4,385
  • Adult Day Health Services: $867

Assisted Living Facilities near Porter County, Indiana

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Porter County



March 31, 2021

I am/was a resident of this facility

The quality of life is great and with help any time. The food is good, and they're very accommodating if you want something different or you want something changed or something. They seem to be doing everything they can to make residents happy also.



March 7, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My dad was here and they have 20 or so for memory care and 80 apartments for assisted living, so it is one of the larger facilities. It's a nice place, and they have nice staff and activities too. They were very good with visitations when it follows state guidelines, and it is easily located in Valparaiso, too. He has been on the assisted living side, but he needs a little extra assistance. My dad says the food was very good. They have a barber salon, and they also have a large entertainment area. It's on the second floor, it is a very large mezzanine, and it has vaulted ceilings. As far as air circulation, it's really nice, bright, and open. They have several different seating areas for those that want to sit and read a book. It is a very elegant place that a senior would feel like, "This is a really nice place, I can't have my home myself but I feel like I'm in a home," but it doesn't feel like a hotel.

M Sarkisian


November 23, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

Very special place! The staff is outstanding. The food is delicious. The activities are abundant. The residents are happy, social and kind. We love everything about Storypoint for our mom/mother in law. Moving to Storypoint was a great decision. Life is good....stress free!

Map of Porter County, Indiana

Assisted Living Costs in Porter County

Porter County’s average monthly cost of assisted living is $3,675, which is below the state ($4,385) and national ($4,000) averages. Costs are higher in neighboring South Bend ($4,625) and Elkhart ($4,043) and significantly more expensive in nearby Chicago, IL ($4,794). 

Throughout Indiana, assisted living prices start at $2,978 in Fort Wayne and go up to $5,205 in Lafayette. 

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Porter County, so data for the closest city, Michigan City, was used. 

Porter County/Michigan City Area


National Average


State Average


South Bend










Fort Wayne


Care Cost Comparison

Senior care costs in Porter County range from $867 for adult day health services up to $7,939 for around-the-clock medical care in a nursing facility. Generally speaking, costs reflect the level of care that comes with each service.  Assisted living costs an average of $3,675 per month and includes meals, private or semiprivate accommodations and limited nonmedical supervision. In-home care from a homemaker or a home health aide costs $4,385 per month based on 44 hours of service weekly, and they don’t include room-and-board costs. 

Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Porter County

Medicaid in Indiana

Medicaid is a nationwide, government-funded health care program that gives low-income individuals access to essential health services. In accordance with federal law, all Medicaid plans must include coverage for physician services, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, transportation to Medicaid-funded services, X-rays, lab tests and long-term care in a nursing home. 

In Indiana, seniors aged 65 and older may qualify for free long-term Medicaid benefits if they meet the financial and medical criteria. Income limits are set at $2,313 monthly per person and assets are limited to $2,000 per person and $3,000 per couple when both spouses require care. Seniors must also need assistance with three activities of daily living, such as bathing, eating, dressing, toileting or mobility. 

Aged and Disabled Waiver

Seniors who qualify for Medicaid coverage and need the level of care provided in a nursing home may be eligible for the Aged and Disabled waiver, a home and community-based services waiver program. 

This waiver lets seniors age in place in their home or a noninstitutional setting, such as an assisted living facility, by funding enhanced supports and services. These benefits are assigned by the participant’s case manager in accordance with their plan of care. 

Waiver services may include: 

  • Adult day health programming
  • Homemaker 
  • Pest control
  • Medical supplies and durable medical equipment 
  • Nonemergency transportation
  • Self-directed attendant care
  • Nutritional supplements
  • A wearable medical alert device
  • Assisted living services
  • Transition support (for seniors who currently live in a nursing home)

To apply for Indiana Medicaid or the Aged and Disabled waiver, contact the Northwest Indiana Community Action Corporation at (219) 794-1829. 

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Elderlife Financial Assisted Living Bridge Loan

Seniors who transition from their own home into an assisted living community often need access to cash to cover moving expenses and monthly care costs. Elderlife’s assisted living bridge loan is designed to bridge the financial gap that can occur while seniors are waiting for their homes to sell, liquidating their investments or paying the deductible on their long-term care insurance policy. 

To qualify for a bridge loan, seniors must have a good credit score as the loan is set up as an unsecured line of credit. Up to six people can be listed on the loan application to improve the overall creditworthiness, and applications can be processed online or over the phone for free. In most cases a response is provided within 24 hours, and successful applicants can access the funds immediately.

For more information, including current interest rates, call Elderlife Financial at (888) 228-4500. 

Residential Care Assistance Program

Seniors aged 65 and older who receive Supplemental Security Income benefits and/or are covered under Medicaid and are unable to live independently may qualify for the Residential Care Assistance Program

The RCAP covers room-and-board costs in RCAP-approved facilities for seniors who need some assistance but don’t meet Medicaid’s criteria for nursing home placement. It’s also important to note that RCAP approved facilities aren’t available in every county, so applicants may need to move to a county where placement is available. 

For more information, contact Porter County Aging and Community Services at (219) 464-9736. 

Senior Centers

Seniors aged 50 and older can participate in a variety of activities and special events at the county’s senior centers. Programming includes line dancing, painting classes, pilates fitness group and drop-in card games. Seniors can also enjoy low-cost lunches, take part in preventative health screening clinics and learn about local resources. 

Banta Senior Center
605 Beech St., Valparaiso, IN 46383
(219) 462-1301

Bonner Senior Center
5800 Lexington Ave., Portage, IN 46368
(219) 762-3591

Veterans Resources

Veterans and their families can access free help with VA benefit claims, appeals and state and federal entitlements at the Porter County Veterans Service Office.

Comprehensive outpatient VA health services are available at the Adam Benjamin Jr. VA Outpatient Clinic. Services include primary and women’s health care, chronic disease management, optometry and audiology, social work and addictions counseling. 

Porter County Veterans Service Office
155 Indiana Ave., Valparaiso, IN 46383
(219) 465-3587

Adam Benjamin Jr. VA Clinic
9301 Madison St., Crown Point, IN 46307-7745
(219) 662-5000

Nearby Assisted Living Communities

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Other Senior Living in Porter County, IN

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  • Memory Care in Miami Dade County, FL
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  • Assisted Living in Miami Dade County, FL

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