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Barrington Apartments

103 14th St NE, Buffalo, MN 55313

(833) 816-0049 to call a Family Advisor

Assisted Living

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Description of Barrington Apartments

Barrington Apartments is located in Buffalo, MN. Seniors can enjoy the convenience of a central location, with Hukko's Bowling Center and Fitness Evolution close by, as well as Buffalo Hills Park. Numerous shops and eateries are within easy driving distance, as is the Evangelical Covenant Church.

Barrington Apartments is an apartment complex aimed at seniors and disabled persons. The apartments are all on one level and are designed to be wheelchair accessible. Emergency pull-cords in any room give residents peace of mind that they can summon aid in an emergency. Maintenance staff is available 24 hours a day for emergency repairs, and a management office handles general requests.

Amenities at the apartment complex include car plug-ins, a social calendar including weekly coffee hours, a BBQ grilling area outside and on-site laundry facilities. The apartments have soft water, and there are trash chutes and recycling facilities provided in the complex. Pets are not permitted, with the exception of assistance animals.

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