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11 Assisted Living Communities in Columbia, Missouri

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $3,975 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 11 Assisted Living Communities in Columbia and several in surrounding areas.

  • Assisted living: $3,975
  • Nursing home semiprivate room: $5,080
  • In-home care: $4,195
  • Adult day health services: $1,983

Assisted Living Facilities near Columbia, Missouri

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Columbia



April 19, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My husband was a resident of The Bluffs. It was fine. They treated him very well and they treated me very well. I could not visit because of the COVID restrictions, but they were quite willing to give me information over the phone anytime that I called. They were very considerate about it. I was not made to feel that I was interrupting or anything. He was waiting for a bed to open up in memory care because he had Alzheimer's. He was in the hospital and he moved from the hospital to the nursing home. I was only in the facility when they called me the day that he died, that was the only time I was allowed to come in. What I saw was fine that day. The grounds were very nice. The room that he got was fine. It was a shared one, but there was no one else in the room.



April 4, 2021

I visited this facility

I went on a tour with Solstice Senior Living at Columbia yesterday. I was able to meet with the business director, Wendy, and she let me know what Solstice has to offer. We sat down for an interview, and then upon finishing the interview, she took me on a tour, where we specifically looked into the possibility of a one-bedroom that we would be interested in. We looked at where it was and compared it to the other places. She showed me around the facility and all the different amenities that they have, and then they set me up to talk with a cook today. I wasn't able to meet with the cook yesterday to ask about the menu and food restrictions, but she's going to call me when they have the opportunity. She also gave me information on the financial side. The tour went very well. It was very personable. They adhered to all the COVID restrictions without a problem, and I could say everybody was treated well. The facility was inviting, too. I enjoyed it, and it looked clean. They have a library area, some game tables for backgammon, chess, and checkers, an exercise area, a media room where you can watch movies and things, a computer available to the residents, and laundry facilities on every floor. On the outside, they have a nice manmade lake that is stocked, so we can do fishing or feed the ducks. It is something that my wife and I like to do.

Marianne Branham


March 13, 2020

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My mom was in the last days of her life and we looked for a place for her to do hospice. Lenoir took three days to approve our application as they needed proof that we could pay for three years. They were unclear about their expectations, cold and rude during a trying time for us. We then had to give them $10,000 up front. My mother lived for three days at Lenoir. She died on January 11th and they still have not sent us our refund- It is now March 12th. And when I call they can\'t give me any answers. So disappointed in this organization.



January 2, 2019

I visited this facility

We will be going to Solstice Senior Living at Columbia within a couple of months. We took a tour and enjoyed what we saw. We liked it very much. We ate a meal in the dining room and all the service there was great. We're very excited about the amenities and activities. There will be quite a few things that we will be taking advantage of when we get there. They won the 2018 award for the best senior living centers in Columbia, Missouri. We were very pleased. Everything was wonderful and immaculate. My husband loves to fish, and they have a lake there, so he is looking forward to being able to go fishing.



August 29, 2017

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My relative has been staying here for four years. It's been very good. They have a very nice dining room, and the rooms are comfortable. The staff is very friendly and helpful. It's a very caring group, and I haven't really had any problems there at all. They have a lot of nice programs for them, like exercise every day, visiting entertainment and sing-alongs, and some craft or painting class every week. We've been really pleased with them.

Map of Columbia, Missouri

Assisted Living Costs in Columbia

At $3,975, Columbia’s monthly expenses for assisted living fall just below the nationwide average of $4,000 shown in Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care. This is slightly higher than the cost of care in St. Louis ($3,500) but lower than Kansas City ($4,050). The state average for assisted living expenses sits at $2,844, so Springfield ($2,215), Joplin ($2,650) and St. Joseph ($2,550) all have lower-than-average monthly costs. 

Cost of Assisted Living Comparison Chart



National average


State average




Kansas City




Cape Girardeau


St. Joseph


Saint Louis


Care Cost Comparison

Homemaker services and home health aide services are both $4,195 per month, on average. These figures are only about $200 higher than the cost of an assisted living facility in Columbia, but seniors should consider that they still have to pay regular household expenses before determining in-home care costs less than an assisted living facility or nursing home. Adult day care costs approximately half as much as other care options in Columbia. However, adult day care generally provides part-time health services rather than full-time or around-the-clock care. Cost of Homemaker/Home Health Aide Comparison Chart

  • Assisted living: $3,975
  • Homemaker services: $4,195
  • Home health aide: $4,195
  • Adult day health: $1,983
  • Nursing home care (semiprivate room): $5,080


Cost of Homemaker/Home Health Aide Comparison Chart

Assisted living


Homemaker services


Home health aide


Adult day health


Nursing home care (semiprivate room)


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Columbia

Medicaid in Missouri

Columbia seniors can apply for Medicaid, Medicare or both health programs. These programs help reduce or eliminate the cost of medical expenses such as doctor’s appointments, prescription medications, medical equipment, home health care, nursing home care and assisted living facilities. Medicare acts as the primary provider when seniors receive coverage from both programs, and Medicaid is the secondary provider.

Low-income Columbia seniors who are at least 65 years old can apply for MO HealthNet, which is also called Missouri Medicaid. State and federal income and asset requirements apply, so seniors who do not meet these guidelines may not qualify for coverage. Seniors have the option to appeal coverage denials.

Medicaid income guidelines are determined by household size. To qualify for coverage, unmarried seniors who live with family or friends must earn less than unmarried seniors who live alone. Higher income and asset limits apply to married couples. A monthly income maximum of $771 exists for seniors who live alone, but seniors residing with others must not have an income that exceeds $514 per month.

Approval is automatic for disabled Missouri seniors who want MO HealthNet coverage if the state or the Social Security Administration decides a senior is disabled. Enrollment in the Medicaid program requires an online, paper or verbal application, even if coverage is likely to be granted. 

Seniors can view and print online Medicaid applications at Application assistance is available via phone at (800) 735-2966. Seniors who prefer in-person help can visit the Social Services Department located at 601 Business Loop 70 W #272, Columbia, MO 65203.

Missouri Independent Living Waiver

The Missouri Independent Living Waiver is available for disabled individuals at least 21 years of age. Seniors who participate in the waiver program before age 65 can continue receiving benefits as long as they still meet the waiver’s qualification requirements.

The Independent Living Waiver lets recipients choose coverage for in-home care or facility services. This waiver also covers qualifying expenses for personal care, including adaptability aids and condition-related medical equipment. 

Medicaid recipients with questions about the program can contact The Department of Health and Senior Services, Division of Senior and Disability Service or speak with an MO HealthNet representative at (573) 751-3425.

Supplemental Nursing Care

The Supplemental Nursing Care program helps cover the cost of care for Medicaid recipients who reside in state mental health hospitals or nursing homes. Recipients must pay their required share of care-related expenses after benefits are paid by Medicaid and/or Medicare coverage, and then the waiver picks up the remaining costs. 

Waiver recipients get a monthly personal needs allowance of up to $50. Qualifying seniors in residential care facilities also get $156 per month in monthly cash benefits. Cash benefits increase to $292 per month for qualifying seniors who reside in assisted living facilities. 

Waiver applicants must be at least 65 years old unless they are deemed disabled by a qualifying agency. Nursing care is available for disabled applicants who are 21 or older and meet eligibility requirements. Spouses of waiver recipients may qualify for asset protection.

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Elderlife Bridge Loans

Seniors who do not qualify for Medicaid waivers or who need immediate coverage can pay for assisted living expenses with private financing from Elderlife Financial Services. This financial company offers bridge loans for seniors who need short-term care. These loans typically last for 12 months or less, but some exceptions are available.

A bridge loan offers an alternative to a reverse mortgage for seniors. For seniors in the process of selling their home, it eliminates the need to wait until the sale is complete. Funds are distributed directly to assisted living facilities and home care providers on behalf of qualifying recipients.

During the application process for a bridge loan, Elderlife Financial Services evaluates a senior’s credit score, income and assets. Age is not a deciding factor, nor is a senior’s state of health. Family members and spouses can apply on behalf of a senior who needs care.

Assisted Living Resources in Columbia

Veterans Affairs and Military Medical Facilities

Columbia veterans can apply for programs that help seniors with housing costs, assisted living care or other essential expenses. Medical care is also available for qualifying veterans.

Missouri Veterans Commission
601 Business Loop 70 W #214a, Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 882-5135

Welcome Home, Inc.
2120 Business Loop 70 E, Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 443-8001

Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital (VA)
800 Hospital Dr, Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 814-6000

Senior Centers

Active seniors can meet friends, make crafts, practice yoga and play bingo at the Columbia Senior Center. The center also serves meals on weekdays and Sundays.

Columbia Senior Center
1121 Business Loop 70 East, Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 874-2050

Veterans Affairs and Military Medical Facilities

Columbia veterans can apply for programs that help seniors with housing costs, assisted living care or other essential expenses. Medical care is also available for qualifying veterans.

Missouri Veterans Commission
601 Business Loop 70 W #214a, Columbia, MO 65203
(573) 882-5135

Welcome Home, Inc.
2120 Business Loop 70 E, Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 443-8001

Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans’ Hospital (VA)
800 Hospital Dr, Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 814-6000

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