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16 Assisted Living Communities in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania

The average cost of assisted living in the county is $3,225 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the county, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 16 Assisted Living Communities in Lycoming County and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Lycoming County, PA

  • Assisted Living: $3,225
  • Nursing Home Care: $9,642
  • In-home Care: $4,385
  • Adult Day Health Services: N/A

Assisted Living Facilities near Lycoming County, Pennsylvania

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Lycoming County



May 12, 2018

I visited this facility

For the price, Wolf Run Village was very nice. It's a much lower cost than what we found at other places. We were happy with the setting and what was offered for the price. We mostly liked the proximity of the facility to my house.

Map of Lycoming County, Pennsylvania

Assisted Living Costs in Lycoming County

In Lycoming County, the average monthly cost of assisted living is $3,225, which is below the state ($3,750) and national ($4,000) averages. Prices in neighboring areas range from $2,400 in Scranton to $3,600 in Bloomsburg and $3,818 in State College. 

Prices in the southern section of the state are higher, particularly in Philadelphia, the largest city in Pennsylvania, where assisted living costs $5,318 per month. 

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Lycoming County, so data for Williamsport, the county seat, was used. 

Lycoming County/Williamsport Area


National Average


State Average




State College










Care Cost Comparison

Monthly senior care costs are based on the level of care, location and number of direct service hours provided. In Lycoming County, a semiprivate room in a nursing home is by far the most expensive option at $9,642 per month, which is nearly three times the cost of assisted living ($3,225). The significant price difference reflects the fact that nursing home facilities provide skilled medical care, while assisted living includes limited nonmedical support. Seniors who want to hire in-home care can expect to pay $4,385 per month for a homemaker and $4,576 for a home health aide. To calculate the true cost of in-home services versus assisted living care, seniors need to also consider the ongoing expenses involved with maintaining a home. 

Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Lycoming County

Medicaid in Pennsylvania

Close to 3 million Pennsylvania residents are enrolled in Medicaid, a government funded health program that provides basic health benefits, such as primary physician care, hospitalization and long-term care in a nursing home. 

In Pennsylvania, the Medicaid program is known as Medical Assistance. To qualify for long-term coverage that includes access to state-specific waiver programs, seniors must meet the following criteria: 

  • Be aged 65 or older
  • Have countable assets valued at $8,000 or less
  • Have a monthly income of $2,313 or less
  • Be permanent residents of the state 
  • Have U.S. citizenship or eligible immigration status
  • Have care needs that meet the Medicaid standards for nursing home admission

When one spouse in a married couple requires Medical Assistance, the community spouse can keep up to half of the couple’s joint assets, up to a maximum value of $126,420. The community spouse may also qualify for income transfer payments from the applicant of up to $3,160.50 per month under the minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance rule. 

Seniors can apply for Medical Assistance online through the COMPASS website or contact the Lycoming County Assistance Office at (877) 867-4014. 

Department of Aging Waiver

The Aging waiver is a Medicaid home and community-based waiver program for seniors aged 60 and older who require the level of care normally provided in a nursing home. The waiver funds enhanced medical and nonmedical services and supplies to allow seniors to remain in a noninstitutional setting, such as an assisted living facility. 

To qualify for the Aging waiver, seniors must be permanent residents of Pennsylvania, have a valid Social Security number and be a U.S. citizen or qualified immigrant. Seniors must also complete a level of care assessment to identify which services they need in order to be safe in the community. 

There is no cap on Aging waiver services, and participants may be provided with one or more of the following supports: 

  • Personal care
  • Adult day health programming
  • Transportation
  • A personal medical alert system
  • Skilled nursing care
  • Assistive technologies, such as magnifiers and mobility devices
  • Rehabilitation therapies
  • Community transition services (for seniors moving from a nursing facility)

Note: As of January 2020, all Lycoming County seniors enrolled in the Aging waiver will be transitioned to Community Healthchoices, a managed care program that provides the same services and supports as the Aging waiver. 

For more information and to request an Aging waiver assessment, contact STEP, the local Area Agency on Aging for Lycoming County, at (570) 326-0587. 

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

State Supplemental Payment

Low-income seniors who collect federal Supplemental Security Income benefits and are unable to live independently may qualify for cash benefits from the State Supplement program. 

Eligible individuals who live in a Medicaid facility can receive up to $30 per month in state-sponsored SSI top-up funds, while those living in a care home qualify for a higher supplement. 

For more information call the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213. 

PA Living Independence for the Elderly

Lycoming County seniors aged 55 and older who require the level of care provided in a nursing home may qualify for enrollment in Living Independence for the Elderly, an all-inclusive managed care program for seniors. 

LIFE helps seniors age in place in their communities by providing a customized, client-centered package of services and supports. Known nationally as the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), the LIFE program is centralized at the local LIFE center, a multipurpose facility complete with outpatient medical services, therapy rooms and recreational spaces. 

Seniors can participate in LIFE through Medical Assistance or on a private-pay basis. Once enrolled in LIFE, all Medicaid and Medicare services are supplied by LIFE-affiliated providers, including primary care and specialist services. 

For more information, contact Albright LIFE Lycoming at (570) 322-5433. 

Veterans Services

Lycoming County Veterans Affairs helps vets, dependents and survivors access county, state and federal benefits, such as the enhanced VA pension program. Veteran Service Officers can also schedule free van transportation to VA medical appointments at the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center. 

Outpatient VA health services are provided at the Williamsport VA Clinic, and there are two active veteran service organizations in the county, American Legion Post 1 and VFW Post 7863. 

Lycoming County Veterans Affairs
330 Pine St., Williamsport, PA 17701
(570) 327-2365

Williamsport VA Clinic
1705 Warren Ave., Williamsport, PA 17701-2665
(570) 322-4791

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