1 Assisted Living Community in Martin, Tennessee
The average cost of assisted living in the city is $3,469 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 2 assisted living facilities in Martin and 3 in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Martin, TN
- Assisted Living: $3,469
- Nursing Home Care: $6,053
- In-home Care: $3,314
- Adult Day Health Services: $2,600
Assisted Living Facilities near Martin, Tennessee
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Map of Martin, Tennessee
Assisted Living Costs in Martin
Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study shows that the average monthly price of assisted living in Martin is $3,469, which is below the state ($3,920) and national ($4,000) averages. Costs are similar in nearby Memphis ($3,585) and to the north in Clarksville ($3,495). Statewide, assisted living prices in Tennessee start at $3,018 in Chattanooga and go up to a high of $4,500 in Nashville. Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Martin, so data for the closest city, Jackson, was used.
The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas
Martin/Jackson Area
National Average
State Average
Johnson City
Care Cost Comparison
Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart
Assisted Living
Homemaker Services
Home Health Aide
Adult Day Health Services
Nursing Home Care
Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Martin
Medicaid in Tennessee
Medicaid is a government funded health plan for people who have a low income and minimal assets who would otherwise be unable to pay for health care services. By law, every state-administered Medicaid plan must include certain mandatory benefits, such as inpatient and outpatient hospital care, primary physician services, X-rays and lab tests and nursing facility services. In Tennessee, one in five residents is covered under TennCare, the state Medicaid program. To qualify for TennCare Long-Term Services and Supports, including Medicaid waiver programs, seniors aged 65 and older must have a monthly income no greater than $2,313 or $4,626 when applying for TennCare with a spouse. Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance When only one spouse needs long-term care services, the income of the non-applicant spouse is disregarded. If that spouse depends on income from the applicant spouse, they may be eligible for a minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance. Under the MMMNA, the non-applicant spouse is entitled to $3,160.50 per month of income that can be transferred from the applicant. TennCare applicants are also subject to asset limits. Single seniors can own up to $2,000 worth of countable assets, such as cash, stocks and recreational real estate, while couples applying together can own up to $4,000. A home worth up to $585,000 that the applicant and/or their spouse lives is exempt, as is one vehicle and a prepaid, irrevocable burial contract. A non-applicant spouse can keep half of the couple’s joint assets in addition to the exempt assets under the community spouse resource allowance. The maximum value of the joint assets that can be granted to the non-applicant spouse under the CSRA is $126,420. TennCare CHOICES in Long-Term Services and Supports CHOICES is a Medicaid home and community-based nursing home diversion waiver. It funds services and medical items for TennCare-covered seniors aged 65 and older who are likely to be placed in a nursing home unless they receive additional supports. Under CHOICES, seniors can reside in an assisted living facility and pay for the room-and-board portion of the monthly fees. CHOICES services and supplies are assigned based on the medical needs of each senior, and these may include:
- A personal emergency response system
- Adult day health programming
- Mobility devices
- Attendant care
- Minor home modifications to improve accessibility
- Home delivered meals
- Respite care
- Pest control
- Health benefits counselling
Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living
VA Enhanced Monthly Pension – Aid and Attendance or Housebound VA Aid and Attendance Benefit and Housebound Allowance are two enhanced VA pension programs that provide extra funds for eligible veterans and survivors that can be used to pay for assisted living. To qualify for either program, applicants must either currently receive or be eligible to receive a regular VA pension. Because these enhanced pension programs are based on higher income limits, applicants who were previously denied VA pension benefits due to excess income may qualify for these increased pension benefits. For the Housebound allowance, applicants must have either:
- One permanent disability rated at 100% that permanently confines the applicant to their home, or
- One permanent disability rated at 100%, and one or more additional disabilities rated at 60% or greater
Assisted Living Resources in Martin
Transportation and Nutrition Programs
Senior Center
The Martin Senior Adult Center is a multipurpose community center geared towards older adults. Seniors can enjoy a low-cost lunch each weekday, participate in programs and special events, and stay active in the fitness room. Martin Senior Adult Center
701 N. Lindell St., Martin, TN 38237
(731) 587-3900
Veterans Services
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