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20 Assisted Living Communities in Sumner County, Tennessee

The average cost of assisted living in the county is $4,500 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the county, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 20 Assisted Living Communities in Sumner County and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Sumner County, TN

  • Assisted Living: $4,500
  • Nursing Home Care: $6,692
  • In-home Care: $3,621
  • Adult Day Health Services: $1,408

Assisted Living Facilities near Sumner County, Tennessee

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Sumner County

Lisa B Green


October 12, 2022

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

I could never express how great it felt to know that mother was taken care of every single minute. They staff is second to none. The love & care shown to her was top notch!



July 9, 2019

I visited this facility

I really like it. They have a courtyard in the middle, and I'm really impressed that you can see a landscape as opposed to highways. The staff member was very helpful. You can be very flexible with what you bring into your room, like shelving for the walls. They have transportation, a library, and church services. There's a big activity room into the middle and there were residents in there playing a game and enjoying it when I visited. The facility was very nice and looked almost new.



January 27, 2018

I visited this facility

Brookdale Hendersonville was very nice. The staff was very nice and helpful. The rooms were wonderful. The residents seemed happy.

Map of Sumner County, Tennessee

Assisted Living Costs in Sumner County

According to Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study, average monthly assisted living prices in Sumner County are above the state ($3,920) and national ($4,000) averages, while costs are lower in nearby Clarksville ($3,495). East of Sumner County, assisted living prices are also lower in Morristown ($3,250), the Kingsport area ($4,179) and Johnson City ($3,875). 

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Sumner County, so data for the closest city, Nashville, was used. 

Care Cost Comparison

In Sumner County, the cost of senior care depends on the type of care provided, how many direct service hours are included each week and whether or not the services include room and board.  Nursing home care is the most expensive option at nearly $2,500 more per month than assisted living. Homemaker and home health aide service prices are lower than assisted living; however, prices for in-home senior care don’t include ongoing expenses involved with maintaining a home, such as upkeep, insurance, property taxes and utility payments. 

Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Sumner County

Medicaid in Tennessee

More than 72 million Americans are covered under Medicaid, the national health protection program that’s jointly funded by the state and federal governments. Medicaid is designed to help those with a low income and minimal assets access basic health care, including emergency care, primary care and long-term care services. 

In Tennessee Medicaid is known as TennCare. Seniors with an income no greater than 300% of the current federal benefit rate ($2,313) who own no more than $2,000 in countable assets may qualify for TennCare coverage, which includes long-term care services. 

Countable assets include all cash, bank account balances and real estate, with the exception of the applicants’ home valued at no more than $572,000. Also exempt are personal belongings, such as clothing and jewellery, one vehicle and a nonrevocable burial trust. 

Note: Tennessee is an income cap state, which means seniors aren’t able to spend down their excess income to achieve Medicaid eligibility. 

TennCare CHOICES in Long-Term Services and Support

TennCare CHOICES is a home and community-based services Medicaid waiver program providing a wide range of support for seniors who require the level of care normally offered in a nursing home. 

While CHOICES does provide nursing home care if necessary, this waiver also provides personal care services for seniors who want to live in an assisted living facility. 

If approved for CHOICES, seniors must complete a comprehensive needs assessment to be provided with one or more of the many services offered, including: 

  • Assistance with performing tasks of daily living, such as getting dressed, bathing, using the toilet and eating
  • A personal emergency call system
  • Adult day health services
  • Respite care

While CHOICES funds services for eligible seniors in assisted living, seniors are responsible for the room and board portion of their monthly assisted living costs. 

For more information about TennCare and the CHOICES waiver, contact the Area Agency on Aging and Disability at (866) 836-6678. 

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

VA Aid and Attendance Benefits and Housebound Allowance

Veterans and their survivors receiving a regular (nondisability) VA pension who are either housebound or need help from another person daily due to a permanent disability or chronic illness may qualify for a higher pension rate through the VA Aid and Attendance Benefits and Housebound Allowance

These two programs increase the regular VA pension rates for both veterans and survivors.

Note: Applicants may only collect money through one of these two programs, even if they meet the criteria for both. 

VA Housebound Allowance

Under the housebound allowance, the maximum annual pension rate for a single survivor is $11,095, while survivors with one dependent are eligible for up to $13,893 per year. 

Veterans without dependents may receive a maximum of $16,540 per year through the housebound allowance and up to $20,731 per year with one dependent. 

To qualify for the housebound allowance, applicants must have a VA disability rating of 100% and spend the majority of their time at their principal residence as a result of their disability. 

VA Aid and Attendance Benefits

Under the Aid and Attendance Benefits, the maximum annual pension rate for a single survivor is $14,509 and $17,309 with one dependent. 

Veterans without dependents may qualify for a maximum of $22,577 per year, while veterans with one dependent may receive up to $26,766 per year. 

To qualify for Aid and Attendance, applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria: 

  • Live in a nursing home as a result of physical and/or mental deterioration
  • Be bedridden
  • Have severely limited vision
  • Need help from a caregiver daily to dress, bathe, eat, manage a prosthetic device and/or navigate their environment

Note: Qualifying disabilities for both of these programs don’t need to be service-related. 

For more information and application assistance, contact the Sumner County Veterans Service Office at (615) 451-6014. 

Senior Centers

Seniors can participate in a wide variety of free and low-cost social and recreational activities at the local senior centers. These wheelchair-accessible community centers offer daily fitness classes, organized card games, dances and regular health screening clinics. Members can also sign up for trips to local restaurants and attractions, learn how to use a smartphone and get up-to-date information about resources in the community. 

Senior Citizens of Hendersonville, Inc. 
197 Imperial Blvd, Hendersonville, TN 37075
(615) 822-8758

Gallatin Senior Citizens Center
200 E Franklin St, Gallatin, TN 37066
(615) 451-1531

Services for Veterans

Veterans and their survivors can get help completing an application for Aid and Attendance or Housebound Benefits, learn about local programs and appeal a previous VA benefits ruling through the Sumner County Veterans Service Office. Outpatient VA health services including primary care and mental health counseling are available at the Gallatin VA Clinic. 

Sumner County Veterans Service Office
355 North Belvedere Dr Room 114, Gallatin, TN 37066
(615) 451-6014

Gallatin VA Clinic
419 Steam Plant Rd, Gallatin, TN 37066
(615) 230-4600

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