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5 Assisted Living Communities in Danville, Virginia

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $3,695 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 5 Assisted Living Communities in Danville and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Danville, VA

  • Assisted Living: $3,695
  • Nursing Home Care: $6,385
  • In-home Care: $3,956
  • Adult Day Health Services: $1,408

Assisted Living Facilities near Danville, Virginia

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Danville



November 1, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My dad is in Roman Eagle Memorial Home. They've been great and have taken good care of him. He liked it for the most part and I couldn't say enough good about it. The staff has been fantastic. My dad's room is semi-private and it is nothing elaborate but it's fine. They have plenty of activities.

Map of Danville, Virginia

Assisted Living Costs in Danville

According to Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study, assisted living costs in Danville are moderately lower than the national average of $4,000 and significantly less than the state average of $4,451. Richmond ($5,048), Virginia Beach ($4,626) and Charlottesville ($4,577) are all significantly higher, by around a $1,000 or more per month.

Note: Danville senior care cost data was not available, so data for Lynchburg, the closest city, was used.

The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas

Danville/Lynchburg Area


National Average


State Average








Virginia Beach Area




Care Cost Comparison

The cost for senior care depends on a number of factors, including location, level of care and number of direct service hours. In Danville, assisted living costs several hundred dollars less than homemaker services and home health aides. Yet these kinds of in-home care don’t include rent, utilities, maintenance and food, which are typically bundled into the cost for assisted living. At the same time, both assisted living and in-home care cost about 60 to 70% less than a semiprivate room in a nursing care facility. However, nursing home care does offer the most complete and comprehensive form of care available.


Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Danville

Medicaid in Virginia

Medicaid is state and federally funded governmental health care that is available for Americans of all ages who have limited income and assets. In Virginia, Medicaid is administered by the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS), and eligibility is determined by the local Danville Department of Social Services (DSS). Full Medicaid coverage offers a complete range of benefits, including physician visits and pharmacy and hospital services. However, long-term care, including assisted living, is provided through the Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Medicaid waiver, explained in more detail below.

To qualify for Medicaid in Virginia, seniors must be 65 or older, Virginia residents and U.S. citizens. Individual applicants must also have a countable income no higher than $1,438 per month (the limit for couples jointly applying is $2,962 per month) and assets of no more than $2,000 (or $3,000 for couples). Income from all sources, including employment wages, pension payments, IRA withdrawals and Social Security income, is considered. Bank accounts, stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit and real estate are some of the countable resources, but the applicant’s principal home, one vehicle, burial trusts, burial plots, jewelry and household goods are not counted.

For more information on Medicaid, including questions about eligibility or the application process, call (855) 242-8282 or visit Cover Virginia

Seniors who qualify for Medicaid and need long-term services must be covered by the CCC Plus Medicaid waiver. Under this waiver, recipients work with a care coordinator who manages all aspects of care, and they receive medical and behavioral health services, which include diagnostic testing, therapies (occupational and physical), counseling and medical transportation. In addition, the following services are available:

  • Home modifications
  • Assistive technology and medical equipment
  • Adult day care
  • In-home care (for ADLs and IADLs)
  • Nursing services
  • Medical transportation (to and from medically necessary appointments)
  • Transitional services (from an institution to a home or community setting)

To learn more about CCC Plus, visit the CCC Plus website or call the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) at (804) 786-7933. To apply, visit Danville’s Department of Social Services or call (434) 799-6537.    

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Auxiliary Grants
Seniors receiving Supplemental Security Income who reside in an assisted living facility may qualify to receive an AG. This payment, which is administered by the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, is 80% state and 20% locally funded. Seniors must also be living in an approved ALF. After submitting an application, assessments are conducted by a social worker or qualified assessor. Upon approval, recipients receive income to help pay for the ALF. They also receive a personal needs allowance to purchase items not provided by the ALF, such as clothing, beverages, food, dental care and eyeglasses. For questions, visit the Virginia Department of Social Services Auxiliary Grants page. To apply, visit Danville’s Department of Social Services or call (434) 799-6537.

Elderlife Bridge Loan  
Bridge loans are a viable option for those looking to cover the cost of assisted living before benefits begin or while waiting for a home to sell. Applications can be done by phone, and funds are generally available within 24 hours. In some cases, Elderlife Financial can send payment directly to the assisted living facility. With 12-month terms and options for payment (loan is available as either a lump sum or line of credit), bridge loans offer flexible, short-term solutions for those transitioning to assisted living. To learn more about bridge loans or apply, contact Elderlife Financial Services at (888) 228-4500. 

Assisted Living Resources in Danville

Senior Centers

Danville is home to the Ballou Recreation Center, which offers senior programs and classes. Fall prevention, Senior Club and other activities are offered. The center is located at Ballou Park, where seniors can take advantage of the walking trails, summer concerts and weekly seasonal farmers market. Transportation is also available for those who need it.

Ballou Recreation Center
760 W Main St., Danville, VA 24541
(434) 799-5216

Area Agency on Aging

The Southern Area Agency on Aging is responsible for providing resources and services to the elderly living in the Danville area. SAAA offers transportation services, congregant meals and recreational activities. They also provide services to at-risk seniors within their homes, including home-delivered meals, home repair and some light housekeeping. Available to all seniors regardless of income, SAAA uses a sliding scale to determine fees for services. Southern Area Agency on Aging
204 Cleveland Ave., Martinsville, VA 24112
(274) 632-6442

Veterans Affairs

Senior veterans and their families can access counseling and information regarding benefits, including pension, memorial benefits and health care, at the local Danville VA Benefits office. Veterans needing medical assistance can visit the Danville VA outpatient clinic, which functions as a primary care clinic offering a laboratory and X-rays, medications, preventative health screenings and referrals. A wide variety of mental health treatment options are also available.  

Danville VA Benefits Office
139A Deer Run Rd., Danville, VA 24540
(434) 836-8447

Danville VA Clinic
705 Piney Forest Rd., Danville, VA 24540-2860
(434) 710-4210

Nearby Assisted Living Communities

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Other Senior Living in Danville, VA

  • Independent Living in Mequon, WI
  • Memory Care in Mequon, WI
  • Continuing Care in Mequon, WI

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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