Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study shows that Tacoma’s $4,250 average monthly cost of assisted living is slightly over the national average ($4,000) but significantly less than in much of the surrounding area. Costs in other Western Washington cities, such as Seattle ($5,750), Bremerton ($5,720) and Longview ($5,000), more closely reflect the state median of $5,135. Cities located further inland, including Yakima ($4,500) and Wenatchee ($4,125), have assisted living costs similar to those in Tacoma.
Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Tacoma, so data for the closest area, Olympia, was used.
The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas
Tacoma/Oly…National Ave…State AverageSeattle AreaBremerton A…LongviewYakimaWenatcheeMount Verno…$3,500$4,000$4,500$5,000$5,500$6,000
RegionCost of Assisted Living
Tacoma/Olympia Area$4,250.00
National Average$4,000.00
State Average$5,135.00
Seattle Area$5,750.00
Bremerton Area$5,720.00
Mount Vernon Area$5,125.00