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Assisted Living Community in Kings County, California

There is assisted living in Kings County, CA and several assisted living facilities nearby. The average cost of assisted living in Kings County, CA is $3,325 per month.

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Kings County



September 23, 2020

I visited this facility

Oceanview Manor was very clean, the staff there was great and the place is beautiful. For the meals they have a chef, not just a kitchen staff. The administration was very helpful, the place was gorgeous, everything was so nice and I didn't see anything out of place. The staff was great and the building was well-taken care of. I just didn't choose them because you'd have to share a room.



April 13, 2020

I visited this facility

Oceanview Manor was nice, but I didn't really like it. The people looked depressed when we went in there. They're just sitting around and not doing anything. The lady who toured us around was nice, and the director of the facility was nice. It was kind of sterile and it had no homey feeling to it. It was a clean place, but they put all the residents' clothes all in the same washing machine, and that turned me off. There's no parking, too.



April 13, 2020

I visited this facility

I was very impressed with The Waterford on the Bay. The people were engaged. They were doing some memory activity on one floor, and they had a game room on another floor. The food menu was awesome that day. The place was extremely clean, and the dining room was beautiful. The view was really pretty because some of the rooms overlook the water and the boats.



August 6, 2019

I visited this facility

I toured the assisted living section of The Waterford on the Bay. The appearance is not really welcoming when you walk in. On the day that I was there the receptionist was doing a hundred different things and was too preoccupied to help. She left me standing there in the hallway and there was nowhere to sit, so I stood there for awhile and nobody really paid attention. Finally, somebody came and asked me if they could help me and I finally got to tour the place. I wasn't impressed at all about that. But the rooms and facilities were clean and adequately sized. I saw a nice dining area, it was very well lit, and it looked clean. I observed a lot of people sitting around in wheelchairs. When I finally got to speak to somebody, he was pleasant, informative, and I didn't have any problems with him.



June 24, 2019

I visited this facility

The staff at Oceanview Manor was very cordial. However, to me, the place wasn't clean nor kept up. I was a little disappointed with that. I didn't really get a chance to see too much, like I didn't see the cafeteria area where the people eat. The staff was very good. He was very informative and he explained things to me. However, I wasn't too impressed with the room. It seemed to be kept up, but there were two people in it. Everything seemed to be a little dingy because mainly it is right on the water.



June 19, 2019

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My brother has been living in Harbor View Home Assisted Living for two months now. It’s a decent place to live, but they have two horrible elevators; one is broken, and it’s difficult to get around with one tiny elevator. The building has a weird configuration on a hill, and it’s very old. The people and workers were very nice. Everyone I’ve dealt with is very professional and very nice. The food doesn’t look bad, and he’s been eating. They have one small room for activities where they play games, sing, play a piano, and more. He’s not participating in activities, but luckily, they have an outside area, so most of the time he’s outside or in his room.



April 19, 2019

I visited this facility

Oceanview Manor was nice, but it didn't have a lot of outside facilities. There also weren't stores nearby, but it isn't too far from the ocean, so that's really nice. They have activities and a place where you can sit down and read. The staff was very pleasant.



March 23, 2019

I visited this facility

The rooms at Signature Senior Living were nice and reasonably sized. They had reasonable facilities and food options. The outside wasn't attractive, but it was quite attractive on the inside. They had book clubs, trips, bingo, events, and gatherings. The staff was knowledgeable and helpful. They had a dining room and doctors that came to visit.



March 23, 2019

I visited this facility

Signature Senior Living was a nice setting and it's a nice place, but the problem is it's self-paid and they don't take Medicaid or Medicare, and it was a bit too much for me. The staff seems to be very nice and informative. The reception was good and the place was well-kept. They have a recreation room.

Map of Kings County, California

Kings County Assisted Living Facilities Cost

The median cost of assisted living in Kings County for a single-occupancy apartment is $5,250/month (Genworth -2021). This monthly cost typically includes rent, utilities, dining, housekeeping and transportation.

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