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9 Assisted Living Communities in Caldwell, Idaho

The average cost of assisted living in Caldwell is $3,500 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 9 Assisted Living Communities in Caldwell and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Caldwell, ID

  • Assisted Living: $3,500
  • Nursing Home Care: $8,121
  • In-Home Care: $3,813
  • Adult Day Health Services: $3,813

Assisted Living Facilities near Caldwell, Idaho

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Caldwell



March 7, 2021

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My wife's mother stayed here, and it's very nice. As a matter of fact, my wife and I thought of selling our home and just moving in there ourselves. We liked the way it was laid out, and there was a lot for people to do. We know this because we visited her every week, and they had lots of activities. They have a very nice sitting room and dining room. Their food was good, and the people were very, very nice.



October 29, 2018

I visited this facility

It was very nice, clean, and the staff seemed very nice. I'm pretty impressed with it. We didn't have any problems at all and they were very accommodating. They have activities to keep the residents busy instead of just sitting there. They have crafts and people teach them how to do stuff to keep their minds active. The place was very clean all the way around. The outside places were very nice.



January 13, 2018

I visited this facility

I liked it. It was open and cheery and had nice, fall decorations. The tour guide was very helpful, very informative, and knew a lot about the facility. I saw music on the television and puzzles on the table.



November 30, 2017

I visited this facility

I thought it was a very nice community. It's very lovely and convenient. Location-wise, it is wonderful. They have a very nice location. They have a lot of activities. The pricing is very similar to the other community I saw. They showed me a large studio; it seemed nice.

Map of Caldwell, Idaho

Assisted Living Costs in Caldwell

According to the Genworth 2018 Cost of Care survey, seniors living in the Caldwell area pay an average of $3,500 per month for assisted living which is $500 less than in the average city in the United States. When compared to the state average, the cost of assisted living in Caldwell is just $25 more. Throughout Idaho, most major cities are priced rather close to Caldwell, with both Pocatello and Idaho Falls’ averages ranging from $150 to about $300 less than Caldwell, and Coeur d’Alene’s average cost sits just $250 higher. When it comes to assisted living costs, the most expensive city in the state is Lewiston, which is priced more than $800 higher than Caldwell at $4,306 per month.

Note: Specific senior care cost data isn’t available for Caldwell. Data for the nearest major city, Boise, has been used instead. 

The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas

Care Cost Comparison

The amount seniors pay for care depends a lot on the type of care they require. In the Caldwell area, this is particularly true when comparing the cost of nursing home care with other types of long-term care. At $8,121 per month, nursing home care in the city is more than double the price of either assisted living or home care. However, seniors who choose home care over other types of long-term care do need to consider additional costs that are associated with living independently such as rent/mortgage payments, utilities and groceries. These types of costs are normally included in assisted living costs, making it a more budget-friendly choice for many senior citizens.


Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Caldwell

Medicaid in Idaho

Medicaid in Idaho helps low-income seniors and other residents access healthcare goods and services that they’d be unable to pay for without assistance. The standard state plan covers costs such as primary care, hospital services, mental health services and prescription medications. In some cases, the plan covers dental care, as well as nursing home care.

To qualify for Idaho’s state plan as a senior citizen, applicants need to be at least 65 years old, a permanent resident of Idaho and a U.S. citizen. Single applicants must have a maximum income of $824 per month and no more than $2,000 in countable assets, and married applicants who are both applying must have a maximum income of $1,177 per month and no more than $3,000 in countable assets. While all income sources are counted, some assets aren’t, such as the applicant’s house, car and personal belongings.

Several options are in place for those who don’t meet the program’s financial requirements. The Medicaid spend-down program lets applicants with unusually high health care expenses pay for medical bills before counting their income toward the program requirements, while those who are married yet applying alone may be able to transfer a portion of their income and/or assets to the spouse who isn’t applying to the program. In either of these cases, it’s best to work with a professional Medicaid planner.

To apply for Medicaid in Idaho, seniors can contact the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare or call (877) 456-1233.

Personal Care Services Program

The Idaho Personal Care Services Program is funded by the state Medicaid program. It amends the state Medicaid program and lets seniors access financial assistance to pay for the cost of assisted living care, whether they receive it at home or in an assisted living facility. 

The program is available to those aged 65 and older who require daily assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, toileting or grooming. Applicants must also be fully eligible for the state Medicaid plan.

To apply for the PCSP, seniors can call the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare office at (877) 456-1233.

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Optional State Supplement

Seniors who are beneficiaries of the federal Supplemental Security Income benefit are often eligible for Idaho’s optional state supplement. The OSS is available to seniors who are over 65 years of age and require long-term care. The amount of the benefit is determined by the recipient’s needs and living situation. Those who reside in an assisted living facility may receive as much as $473 per month.

To qualify for the benefit, seniors must be SSI recipients. Those who need more information can contact the Social Security Administration office at (800) 772-1213.

Long-Term Care Insurance

Long-term care insurance helps senior citizens plan for long-term care, provided they purchase a policy before the need for assisted living or nursing home care exists. Policies and costs vary depending on the provider and the plan, but typically, seniors pay into their plan monthly and when the need for care arises, their insurance provider will pay for a portion or all of their care costs less a deductible. 

Seniors who need help understanding long-term care insurance or filing claims can contact Elderlife Financial Services, which works with seniors to help them make sense of their policies and understand claims decisions. 

Elderlife Financial Services can be contacted online or by calling (888) 228-4500.

Assisted Living Resources in Caldwell

Senior Center

The Caldwell Senior Center offers a welcoming environment for senior citizens to meet and interact with peers. The center offers weekly bingo games, as well as educational classes, day trips, congregate meals and referrals to local senior resources. 

Caldwell Senior Center
1009 Everett St., Caldwell, ID 83605
(208) 459-0132

Area Agency on Aging

The Southwest Idaho Area Agency on Aging serves seniors in Caldwell and the surrounding areas. It offers volunteer opportunities for senior citizens as well as a variety of programs and services that include adult protective services, legal services, benefits assistance and transportation services.  Southwest Idaho Area Agency on Aging
701 S. Allen, Suite 100, Meridian, ID 83642
(208) 898-7060

Veterans Affairs

Seniors who are veterans can access services that are provided to them by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. These services include long-term care assistance, health care and disability benefits. To receive information about benefits, seniors can visit the Vet Center in Boise, and health care services, including primary and specialty care, can be obtained at the Caldwell VA Clinic. 

Caldwell VA Clinic
4521 Thomas Jefferson St., Caldwell, ID 83605-5100
(208) 454-4820

Boise Vet Center
2424 Bank Dr., Suite 100, Boise, ID 83705
(208) 342-3612

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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