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4 Assisted Living Communities in Geneva, Illinois

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $4,794 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 4 Assisted Living Communities in Geneva and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Geneva, IL

  • Assisted Living: $4,794
  • Nursing Home Care: $7,330
  • In-home Care: $4,576
  • Adult Day Health Services: $1,728

Assisted Living Facilities near Geneva, Illinois

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Map of Geneva, Illinois

Assisted Living Costs in Geneva

Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care survey shows that with an average monthly cost of $4,794 for assisted living, seniors in Geneva pay well over the state and national averages of approximately $4,000 per month. Geneva ranks as the costliest area for assisted living in the state, followed closely behind by Bloomington ($4,650) and Rockford ($4,770). Cities located further south in Illinois such as the Champaign area ($3,578), Peoria ($3,750) and Springfield ($4,410) are significantly less expensive.

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Geneva, so data for the closest area, Chicago, was used.

The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas

Geneva/Chicago Area


National Average


State Average








Champaign Area






Care Cost Comparison

With skilled nursing home care in Geneva averaging $7,330 per month, assisted living is a much more affordable option for those in the area who require only an intermediate level of care. At first glance, home health care, including home health aides and homemaker services, appears to be less expensive than assisted living, but the $4,576 average monthly cost does not include living expenses such as rent, utilities or home maintenance. At $1,728 per month, day health services are the least expensive care option for those who only require assistance during day time hours.


Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Geneva

Medicaid in Illinois

The Illinois Medicaid program provides health care services to qualifying children, parents, people with disabilities, seniors and adults ages 19-64 who are not receiving Medicare. Medicaid benefits include:

  • Doctor and hospital visits
  • Long-term care
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Transportation to medical appointments
  • Laboratory tests 

To be eligible for Medicaid, Illinois residents must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have a child under 18 or be pregnant 
  • Be disabled, blind or age 65 or older
  • Have a blind or disabled spouse, child or parent living within their household

Additionally, residents must be U.S. citizens, be U.S. nationals or have immigration status and meet the income and asset eligibility limits. The monthly income limits for seniors aged 65 and older are $1,041 for individuals and $1,409 for married couples. Additionally, assets must equal no more than $2,000 for individuals and $3,000 for married couples.

It is possible, however, for applicants with income and assets over the limits to still be eligible for Medicaid through the Pay-in Spend-down program. Through this program, Healthcare and Family Services may assign participants a spend-down amount based on a participant’s level of income and assets that functions similarly to a deductible. Recipients would pay for their medical care up to the spend-down amount and, once reached, receive a medical spending card from HFS to help pay for additional medical costs that month. Qualified seniors aged 65 and older or those who are blind or disabled and live outside a nursing home will receive an enrollment form from HFS in the mail.

Geneva residents can apply for Medicaid online or over the phone at (800) 843-6154.

For those wishing to live in an assisted living facility, Illinois offers two Medicaid waivers designed to help keep individuals outside of nursing homes and at home or in the community.

Supportive Living Program
HFS administers the SLP waiver as a way for eligible Medicaid recipients to receive services not typically covered by Medicaid. Services include:

  • Personal care
  • Occasional nursing care
  • Medication management and supervision
  • Assistance with laundry and housekeeping
  • Recreational, social and exercise programs
  • Physical therapy, lab tests and X-rays
  • Wellness consultations and a health services plan

To be eligible for SLP, seniors must show they require nursing-facility-level care, test negative for tuberculosis and not be receiving services from any other home and community based waiver. They must also earn income equal to or greater than $771 for an individual and $1,157 for a married couple. Participants living in a private room are able to keep $90 per month of their income for personal use but must contribute the rest of their income to their living facility for room, board and services. Those sharing a room are required to pay only up to $385.50 for individuals and $578.50 for married couples (one half the SSI rate) minus the $90 allowance for personal use.

Interested seniors should call (217) 782-0545 or (844) 528-8444 or email the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services for more information.

Pathways to Community Living
Seniors over age 60 who receive or are eligible to receive Medicaid may also qualify for the Pathways program. To participate, seniors must reside in a nursing home or intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities, have lived there for at least 90 days and wish to move into a personal residence or supportive living facility. Program services include:

  • Personal assistance and financial support in making the transition to the community
  • One year’s worth of guidance from a qualified transition coordinator including a care plan and assistance finding a home
  • Help with transition costs and home improvements

Seniors interested in the Pathways program should complete the online referral form or email

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Assisted Living Bridge Loans
Through Elderlife Financial Services, qualified seniors can open a short-term line of credit to help with the cost of assisted living and related moving expenses. Because the loans are only available for up to 12 months, applicants should have a plan in place for financing their living costs after the loan term expires. To determine eligibility, Elderlife Financial evaluates equity, assets and credit scores, which can be combined through several family members serving as co-applicants. Interested individuals may apply over the phone by calling (888) 228-4500 or online. The application typically takes about 15 minutes to complete, and recipients may receive funds as soon as 24 hours after their application is submitted.

Veterans Aid and Attendance
The Aid and Attendance program provides eligible veterans and their surviving spouses with financial assistance in addition to already received monthly pension. To qualify, individuals must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Live in a nursing home
  • Be bedridden
  • Have limited eyesight of no more than 5/200 corrected visual acuity or 5 degrees concentric contraction of the visual field
  • Require a caregiver’s assistance to perform activities of daily living, such as eating, bathing and dressing

To apply, seniors should send a written report detailing their level of impairment and mobility to the Milwaukee VA Pension Center or visit the Chicago Regional Office.

Assisted Living Resources in Geneva

Senior Centers in Kane County

Kane County senior centers provide senior citizens with a place to gather, receive congregate meals and participate in recreational activities such as bingo games, art classes, social outings and exercise routines. Additional special services include tax assistance, voter registration and free flu shots administered annually at the Bloomingdale Senior Center.

Geneva Township Senior Center
400 Wheeler Dr., Geneva, IL 60134
(630) 232-3600

Center for Senior Citizens
260 Civic Centre Plaza, Glendale Heights, IL 60139
(630) 260-6050

Bloomingdale Senior Center
6N050 Rosedale Ave # 1, Bloomingdale, IL 60108
(630) 529-7794

Veteran’s Resources

The Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission and Veterans Service Office provide free benefits assistance, counseling and resources related to housing, transportation, health care, education and burials.

Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission
Kane County Government Center, 719 Batavia Ave., Bldg. A, Geneva, IL 60134
(630) 232-3550

Veterans Service Office
Elgin National Guard Armory, 254 Raymond St., Elgin, IL 60120
(847) 608-0138

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Other Senior Living in Geneva, IL

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  • Nursing Homes in Bountiful, UT

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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