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3 Assisted Living Communities in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

The average cost of assisted living in the area is $3,225 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the area, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 3 Assisted Living Communities in Lewisburg and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Lewisburg, PA

  • Assisted Living: $3,225
  • Nursing Home Care: $9,642
  • In-home Care: $4,385
  • Adult Day Health Services: N/A

Assisted Living Facilities near Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

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Map of Lewisburg, Pennsylvania

Assisted Living Costs in Lewisburg

Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study shows that the average monthly cost of assisted living in Lewisburg is lower than the state ($3,750) and national ($4,000) averages. Prices are similar in Pittsburgh ($3,150), Gettysburg ($3,100) and Reading ($3,400) and significantly lower in Scranton ($2,400), which has the lowest assisted living prices in Pennsylvania. 

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Lewisburg, so data for the closest city, Williamsport, was used. 

The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas

Lewisburg/Williamsport Area


National Average


State Average














Care Cost Comparison

Monthly senior care costs are based on the type of care, number of hours of service and location. In Lewisburg, assisted living costs an average of $3,225 per month, which is $6,417 less expensive than a semiprivate room in nursing home care. In general, seniors in assisted living are more independent and have fewer medical needs than nursing home residents.  44 hours of weekly in-home care services cost $4,385 per month for a homemaker and $4,576 for a home health aide. It’s important to recognize that senior care costs are in addition to ongoing living expenses, such as utilities, home maintenance and property taxes. 


Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Lewisburg

Medicaid in Pennsylvania

Medicaid is a government health program that provides basic health services to low-income seniors, adults with disabilities, pregnant women and families with children. In Pennsylvania the program is referred to as Medical Assistance, and benefits include inpatient and outpatient hospital services, doctor visits and long-term care in a nursing facility. Additional benefits are offered through state-specific Medicaid waivers and programs. 

To qualify for long-term MA coverage, individuals must earn no more than $2,313 per month and own no more than $2,000 in countable assets. Countable assets include all cash and investments. A home in which the applicant and/or their spouse live in is exempt if the assessed value of the home is $585,000 or less. 

Couples in which only one spouse needs MA coverage are subject to the community spouse resource allowance rule. The CSRA allows monthly income transfers of up to $3,160.50 per month from the applicant to the community spouse for financial support. 

To apply for MA, contact the Union County Assistance Office in Lewisburg at (570) 524-2201. 

Aging Waiver Program 

Seniors aged 60 and older who qualify for Medicaid and require the level of care normally provided in a nursing facility may be eligible for enrollment in the Aging Waiver

This home and community-based service waiver lets seniors age in place in their homes or a noninstitutional setting by funding a variety of services, such as: 

  • Adult day care 
  • Home health services
  • A personal emergency response system
  • Respite care
  • Home modifications
  • Medical supplies and durable equipment
  • Nutritional consultation
  • Skilled nursing 

The waiver also funds community transition services for seniors who want to move from a nursing facility into a less restrictive setting. 

AW services are assigned based on medical need, therefore, there’s no service cap. 

For more information and to request a preadmission assessment, contact the Union County Assistance Office at 1610 Industrial Blvd., Lewisburg, at (570) 524-2201. 

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Living Independence for the Elderly

Living Independence for the Elderly is a comprehensive managed care program for seniors who wish to age in place in the community rather than in a nursing facility. 

Known nationally as the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, Pennsylvania’s LIFE programs provide wraparound medical and nonmedical services, such as:

  • Adult day health programming at the LIFE center
  • In-home personal care
  • Congregate and home delivered meals
  • Optometry services and prescription glasses
  • Emergency and primary medical care
  • Medical supplies and equipment
  • Transportation to the LIFE center 
  • All Medicaid-funded benefits

Most LIFE services are centralized at the local LIFE center, a multipurpose day center equipped with an outpatient medical clinic, therapy rooms, recreation spaces and a dining area. 

To qualify for LIFE, seniors must be aged 55 or older, meet the clinical criteria for nursing home placement and be able to live safely in a noninstitutional setting with supports. LIFE is covered under Pennsylvania Medicaid, and seniors can also enroll on a private-pay basis or through their private insurance provider. 

For more information contact the Albright LIFE Center, the LIFE provider for Union County, at (570) 322-5433.  

Optional State Supplementation

The State provides low-income seniors with a cash benefit that can be used to help cover assisted living costs. To qualify for the Optional State Supplement, seniors must be aged 65 or older, eligible for Supplemental Security Income and reside in a qualifying care facility. 

Depending on your health care status and living situation, benefits can vary from $30 to $1,210.30 per month ($60 to $2,114.40 per couple).

For more information, contact the Social Security Administration at (800) 772-1213. 

Elderlife Financial Assisted Living Bridge Loan

Seniors who are selling their home, liquidating investments or waiting for benefits to cover their assisted living costs may qualify for an Assisted Living Bridge Loan. 

Offered through Elderlife Financial, a bridge loan is a short-term finance solution that provides qualified seniors with access to funds to cover assisted living move-in fees and monthly costs. The loan is set up like a line of credit, therefore, interest is only charged on the money used rather than the preapproved amount. 

Applicants need to have a good credit score, and up to six people can be listed on the loan. There are no fees to apply and the application can be completed online or over the phone in about 15 minutes. Seniors who are approved can usually access the funds within 24 hours, and money from the bridge loan can be sent directly to the assisted living facility. 

For more information contact Elderlife Financial at (888) 228-4500. 

Assisted Living Resources in Lewisburg

Senior Center

The Lewisburg Senior Center provides free and low-cost activities for seniors Monday through Thursday. Programming includes exercise groups, blood pressure checks, table games and dinner every Monday. 

Lewisburg Senior Center
116 N. 2nd St., Lewisburg, PA 17837
(570) 523-6510

Veterans Services

The Union County Office of Veterans Affairs helps veterans, survivors and dependents secure their maximum entitlements through county, state and federal benefits programs. The office can also arrange transportation to VA health services. 

Outpatient VA health services are provided at the nearby Williamsport VA Clinic, which is affiliated with the Wilkes-Barre VA Medical Center

Office of Veterans Affairs – UC Government Center
155 N. 15th St., Lewisburg, PA 17837
(570) 524-8677

Williamsport VA Clinic
1705 Warren Ave., Williamsport, PA 17701-2665
(570) 322-4791

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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