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3 Assisted Living Communities in Yorktown, Virginia

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $4,676 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 3 Assisted Living Communities in Yorktown and several in surrounding areas.

  • Assisted living: $4,676
  • Nursing home semiprivate room: $7,772
  • In-home care: $3,623
  • Adult day health services: $1,560

Assisted Living Facilities near Yorktown, Virginia

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Yorktown



April 13, 2020

I visited this facility

Colonial Harbor was clean. The 1-bedroom apartment was fine and clean. The staff who showed us around was very helpful. The dining area was clean, and the food was great. They had an activities calendar, a fitness room, a rehab, and a library.



July 8, 2019

I visited this facility

I like Colonial Harbor, but it's over in York County. The lady I know has a very nice room, and the dining area looked good, but it's too far from me. They have a lot of activities, and the residents were very nice. It was decorated nicely and kept clean.



January 2, 2019

I visited this facility

Colonial Harbor was very nice. The person who showed us around was very nice too. My father and I were very impressed. It was clean. The people were interacting with one another. We really liked the small apartments. We felt very positive about the place. They always clean the rooms, and they're all independent living. They said they have different kinds of activities that go on regularly, like movies and bingo. I liked the fact that they're trying to keep the people involved. They talked about somebody who was missing at lunch, and they went to check on her; I really liked that part. The staff was very good. He answered all of our questions, and he was very helpful. I liked this place. You can see most of the rooms from downstairs so that they can keep tabs on people, which is what my parents really need at this point.



May 1, 2018

I visited this facility

Everything was good at Colonial Harbor including the outside of the building. When I walked to the door, I was greeted. The dining room was over toward to the right and I could see people eating. We've come right in the middle of their meal, but that didn't seem to bother anyone. Mark, the salesman, was awesome. He even called me to wish me Happy Easter. I liked him and the facility a lot. They had three meals a day prepared by a chef. I liked the rooms. The backrooms looked over the woods, and I'm a nature freak. The front rooms looked out over the Fort Eustis Boulevard, which was not heavily trafficked.



June 22, 2016

I Visited This Community

We liked Colonial Harbor so much, we didn't go anywhere else. It is $2,400 a month, which, I think, is pretty affordable. The staff member we met was quite nice. The dining area was very nice and a restaurant-style setting with orders sent right to the kitchen. It seemed like the security was very good. It was in a nice area, very clean, and updated. The rooms were nice. Everything about it was good. They had a chapel and play cards and different games.

Map of Yorktown, Virginia

Assisted Living Costs in Yorktown

Assisted living in Yorktown, according to Genworth’s 2018 Cost of Care study, is approximately $200 higher than the average statewide cost of $4,451 and almost $700 more than the national average. Other cities with similar costs include Winchester, Charlottesville and Blacksburg. Only Lynchburg ($3,695) and Richmond ($5,048) fall outside of this median cost of care.

Note: The cost of senior care was not available for Yorktown, so the writer used data for the closest locale, the Virginia Beach area.

Cost of Assisted Living Comparison Chart

Yorktown/Virginia Beach area


National average


State average














Care Cost Comparison

The cost of senior care is highly dependent on the level of care. Assisted living is significantly less costly than a semiprivate room in a nursing home ($7,772). Home health services are approximately $1000 less expensive than assisted living care, but it’s important to consider your in-home care budget with the costs of maintaining a home, such as utilities, rent and groceries.

  • Assisted living: $4,676
  • Homemaker services: $3,623
  • Home health aide: $3,623
  • Adult day health: $1,560
  • Nursing home care (semiprivate room): $7,772


The cost of senior care is highly dependent on the level of care. Assisted living is significantly less costly than a semiprivate room in a nursing home ($7,772). Home health services are approximately $1000 less expensive than assisted living care, but it’s important to consider your in-home care budget with the costs of maintaining a home, such as utilities, rent and groceries.

Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Yorktown

Medicaid in Virginia

Medicaid is a nationwide program offering services to low-income individuals, families and the elderly. The program covers a broad spectrum of services, such as doctor visits, home health care and nursing home care. In Virginia, Medicaid is administered through the Department of Medical Assistance Services, and eligibility for the program is determined by the Department of Social Services.

Seniors applying for Medicaid must meet the following requirements:

  • Reside in Virginia
  • U.S. citizens or qualifying aliens
  • Be age 65 or older
  • Single with an income of no more than $2,313 a month and $2,000 or less in countable assets
  • Couples with an income equal to or less than $4,626 a month and $4,000 or less in countable assets

Medicaid considers income from sources that include cash, SSI and pensions. Countable assets include all sources of revenue or potential revenue, such as cash, investments, bank accounts and real estate other than the occupant’s home. Exempt assets include various items, such as jewelry, furniture and a principal residence valued at $585,000 or less. See American Council on Aging’s Virginia Medicaid Income and Asset Limits for more detailed information.

Individuals who require elder care but have income and assets that exceed the allowed amounts, may be eligible for the Medically Needy Pathway Program. It allows “spending down” on health-related costs in order to qualify for full Medicaid coverage. To apply for Medicaid, visit Cover VA or call 855-242-8282.

EDCD Waivers 

For seniors who meet nursing facility eligibility criteria, the Elderly or Disabled with Consumer Direction Waiver provides various services, including adult day care, respite care, medication monitoring and personal care. Individuals must have medical needs and require assistance with daily living activities to qualify. To learn more information or apply, contact Virginia Department of Social Services or your local Williamsburg office at (757) 220-6161.


Long term services and supports (LTSS) are plans that help seniors living within their homes or assisted living facilities. They are available through Virginia’s Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus. If a senior is enrolled in the EDCD waiver, CCC Plus will cover any non-waiver services. These include assistive technology, environmental modifications and assistance for those moving from a nursing facility back to the local community. For more information, call (844) 374-9159

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Assisted Living Bridge Loans

For seniors who need financial assistance to cover the costs of transitioning to assisted living, a bridge loan through Elderlife Financial Services may be beneficial. These loans, which have terms up to 12 months, can provide a quick, short term option, helping individuals move into assisted living and cover rent fees while waiting for benefits or the sale of a home. A fast application process and versatile lending options (lump sum or line of credit) make the bridge loan a viable coverage option. Contact Elderlife Financial for more information about assisted living bridge loans at (888) 228-4500.

A program of all-inclusive care to help seniors remain in their homes, PACE is available to seniors aged 55 or older deemed eligible for nursing level care. PACE is free to those who qualify for Medicaid, and a set monthly rate is offered for those who qualify for Medicare but not Medicaid. PACE provides the following to those who qualify:

  • Adult day care, including meals and personal care
  • Medical care
  • Home health and personal care
  • Prescriptions
  • Social services
  • Hospital and nursing care

PACE participants are invited to partake in the entertainment, group outings, game nights and more that are offered by the Newport News PACE center.

To learn more and determine eligibility, call your local Newport News PACE location at (757) 234-8100.

Assisted Living Resources in Yorktown

Senior Centers in Yorktown

The Senior Center in York is the hub for a wide variety of social and support services, including special events, entertainment and continuing education. Seniors ages 55 and older (and their spouses) are invited to participate. Reservations are required for most offerings, which range from craft and computer classes to line dancing and birthday parties.

Senior Center of York 
5314 George Washington Memorial Highway, Yorktown, VA 23692
(757) 890-3444

Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs offers senior veterans services that range from financial assistance to education and training. To learn more, visit or call your local or regional VA office. The Hampton VA Medical Center also offers health care and prescriptions to veterans of Yorktown and surrounding communities.

Department of Veterans Services – Virginia Beach
287 Independence Blvd. 2, Suite 130, Virginia Beach, VA 23462
(757) 552-1884

Hampton VA Medical Center
00 Emancipation Drive, Hampton, VA 23667
(757) 722-9961 

Community Aid Agencies

The Peninsula Agency on Aging offers supportive services to seniors to help them remain independent in their homes. Here you can expect to find services, including support groups for caregivers, assistance looking for in-home care and meals on wheels. Peninsula Agency on Aging
739 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite 1006, Newport News, VA 23606-3585
(757) 873-0541

Nearby Assisted Living Communities

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Other Senior Living in Yorktown, VA

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  • Continuing Care in Salina, KS
  • Independent Living in Salina, KS

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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