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6 Assisted Living Communities in Marysville, Washington

The average cost of assisted living in the city is $5,750 a month. This guide is a starting point covering the cost of assisted living care in the city, as well as financing options to pay for it. You’ll find in-depth information on 6 Assisted Living Communities in Marysville and several in surrounding areas. The Cost of Senior Care in Marysville, WA

  • Assisted Living: $5,750
  • Nursing Home Care: $9,243
  • In-home Care: $6,092
  • Adult Day Health Services: $1,317

Assisted Living Facilities near Marysville, Washington

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Reviews of Assisted Living Facilities in Marysville



August 1, 2018

I am a friend or relative of a current/past resident

My dad is at Grandview Village. One of the reasons my dad really likes the place is that everything is at ground level, so there are no stairs or elevators. He was also fortunate enough to be able to get into a corner unit. It's pretty good so far. He's been having meals brought to him, which is one of the services that they provide. It costs a little bit extra, but he appreciates that. It allow him to have some privacy, which is something he really wants since he's not as social as the others. Every interaction I've had with them has been really great. The people remember my dad and always have something to tell me about him. They always give me an update on how he's doing. The food is not the greatest in the world since it's institutionalized. Sometimes the options are just not that great. The facilities are always really clean. They've got a beautiful garden courtyard and my dad loves his corner unit. It's a good sized unit. It's beautiful and I really like it there. They have a podiatrist that comes in every month. My dad also enjoys music night when a choir comes in and sings. They have a lot of stuff going on. The price is pretty reasonable and competitive. For what they offer, it's a pretty good value.



May 4, 2018

I visited this facility

I really liked Brookdale Marysville. The lady who showed me around was really nice. Everything looked nice, clean, and homey. They were friendly.

Map of Marysville, Washington

Assisted Living Costs in Marysville

At an average monthly cost of $5,750, assisted living prices in Marysville are the highest in Washington state where the average cost is $5,135.

In areas north of Marysville, costs are $5,125 in Mount Vernon and $4,250 in Bellingham. To the south, assisted living costs $5,720 in Bremerton and $4,250 in Olympia. Statewide, prices in Spokane, the least-expensive city in Washington, is the same as the national average of $4,000. 

Note: Senior care cost data wasn’t available for Marysville, so data for the closest city, Seattle, was used. 

The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas

Marysville/Seattle Area


National Average


State Average






Mount Vernon




Care Cost Comparison

Throughout the county senior care costs are largely based on the type of care provided with each service, and in Marysville, the high cost of living also impacts prices. Semiprivate nursing home care is the most expensive option at $9,095 per month, while assisted living is $4,224 per month.  Seniors who opt to stay in their homes can choose to participate in an adult day health program for $1,517 or hire either a homemaker ($4,433) or home health aide ($4,528). It’s important to recognize that community-based care costs are in addition to regular ongoing living expenses, such as rent or mortgage payments, groceries and home maintenance. 


Senior Care Cost Comparison Chart

Assisted Living


Homemaker Services


Home Health Aide


Adult Day Health Services


Nursing Home Care


Financial Assistance for Assisted Living in Marysville

Medicaid in Washington

Approximately 22% of Washington state residents have no-cost access to essential health services, such as inpatient and outpatient hospital care, primary physician care and long-term care through Medicaid, the national government health protection plan. The program is geared towards people who have low income and few assets who would otherwise be unable to afford health care services. 

In Washington, a Medicaid-expansion state, the Medicaid program is called Apple Health. Seniors aged 65 and older who are eligible for Supplemental Security Income benefits may also qualify for the no-cost Apple Health for the Aged, Blind and Disabled

Qualifying for Long-term Care Apple Health

Seniors aged 65 and older who earn up to $2,313 per month ($4,626 per couple applying together), own no more than $2,000 in countable assets ($3,000 per couple) and need help with two or more activities of daily living may qualify for long-term Apple Health coverage with access to home and community-based service waivers. 

Countable assets include all on-hand cash, bank account balances, stocks and bonds and most real estate. Applicants are exempt from claiming irrevocable burial trusts up to $1,500, one personal vehicle and a residential property that they, and/or their spouse, reside. 

When only one spouse needs long-term care, special rules are in place to protect the healthy spouse (called the community spouse) from impoverishment. 

If the community spouse earns less than $3,160.50 per month, the applicant can transfer their income to their spouse to bring the community spouse’s income up to $3,160.50. 

The community spouse can keep up to half of the couple’s joint assets valued up to $126,420 in addition to assets that are Medicaid-exempt. 

To learn more about Apple Health enrollment and eligibility, contact Washington Healthplanfinder at (855) 923-4633. 

Community Options Program Entry System 

Seniors who meet the financial criteria for Apple Health’s home and community-based services may qualify for the Community Option Program Entry System, a Medicaid nursing home diversion program. 

COPES pays for additional care services for seniors who need help from another person to perform at least two activities of daily living. These activities may include getting dressed, bathing, using the toilet, eating and/or moving about. 

COPES services can be delivered in an assisted living facility and may include:

  • Case management
  • An emergency call system
  • Skilled and intermittent nursing care
  • Training to learn self-management skills
  • Nonmedical transportation
  • Adult day health services
  • Medical equipment and disposable medical supplies
  • Home delivered meals 

The goal of the COPES program is to let seniors live safely in the most-appropriate, least-intrusive setting. Seniors who apply for COPES are evaluated by an assessor from Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services, Home and Community Services office to ensure the applicants’ care needs can be met through COPES services. 

Community First Choice Program

Apple Health enrollees aged 65 and older who meet the clinical criteria for nursing facility placement may qualify for personal care services provided in an assisted living setting through the Community First Choice program.

CFC funds personal care services to help seniors age in place in a noninstitutional setting, such as assisted living. Under the CFC, services include personal care services, assistive technology items, personal emergency response system and transition services.  

Seniors can be enrolled in the CFC program and COPES concurrently in order to receive the supports they need to remain in an assisted living facility. 

To learn more about COPES and the CFC program, contact Snohomish County’s Aging and Disability Services, Senior Information and Assistance department, at (425) 513-1900 or (800) 422-2024. 

Other Financial Assistance Programs for Assisted Living

Elderlife Financial Assisted Living Bridge Loan

Elderlife Financial is a licensed financial institution that specializes in helping seniors pay for their assisted living care costs. It offers an assisted living bridge loan that’s structured as an open, one-year line of credit for seniors who need to borrow money to cover move-in costs or monthly fees while waiting for benefits to begin or their home to sell. 

To qualify for an assisted living bridge loan, seniors must have a strong credit rating as the loan is unsecured. Elderlife allows up to six people to cosign on the loan application, and there’s no fee to apply over the phone. 

If approved, money from the loan is made available within 24 hours and funds can be sent directly to an assisted living provider. Loan interest is calculated on a prime-plus basis, and monthly payments are interest-only. 

To learn more, contact Elderlife Financial at (888) 228-4500. 

Long-Term Care Insurance

Seniors who have private, organization or employer-sponsored long-term care insurance may have benefits that include either partial or full payment of their assisted living costs if the senior is ineligible for Apple Health coverage. 

Benefits vary with each provider and policy, and seniors may need to pay a  deductible before their insurance covers their care costs. Some policies only cover the room-and-board portion of assisted living expenses, while other policies include home care services, day health programs and care coordination. It’s common for long-term care insurance policies to include a waiting period between the time the policyholder needs care and when the coverage kicks in. 

For more information seniors can contact their insurance broker or plan administrator. 

Assisted Living Resources in Marysville

Seniors aged 60 and older who need free legal assistance can contact the Northwest Justice Project’s Coordinated Legal Education, Advice and Referral program. CLEAR focuses on issues related to housing, medical care, income and seniors safety.  Community Transit provides regularly scheduled, ADA-compliant public bus service throughout Maryville and the surrounding area. Seniors aged 65 and older can apply for a free ORCA reduced regional fare permit by contacting the Everett Station Customer Service department at (425) 257-7777.  Northwest Justice Project – CLEAR
401 Second Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98104
(888) 201-1014

Veterans Services

Outpatient VA health services, including primary, vision, hearing and nursing care, are available at the nearby Mount Vernon VA Clinic, while comprehensive emergency and acute hospital services are offered at the Seattle Division of the VA Puget Sound Health Care System

The Snohomish County Veterans Assistance Program provides services to senior and disabled veterans and survivors, such as advocacy, case management and help with VA claims submissions. 

Mount Vernon VA Clinic
307 S. 13th St., Mount Vernon, WA 98274-4100
(360) 848-8500

Snohomish County Veterans Assistance Program
300 Rockefeller Ave., Everett, WA 98201
(425) 388-7255

Nearby Assisted Living Communities

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Other Senior Living in Marysville, WA

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  • Memory Care in Bethel Park, PA
  • Nursing Homes in Bethel Park, PA

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Those with certain disabilities or diseases have more obstacles to overcome when searching for a quality assisted living home. If you have questions, we are here to help provide the answers. Give our senior care advocates a call and read our guides for specific information and resources related to your or your loved one’s condition.

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