According to the Genworth Cost of Care survey from 2018, the average cost of assisted living in Eau Claire is $4,475 per month, which is $475 more than the average U.S. city and $175 more than in the average city in Wisconsin. While the cost is higher in Eau Claire than in many other cities in the state, seniors in Oshkosh pay quite a bit more: the average cost in the city is $5,000 per month. Seniors looking for a more economical option can consider assisted living option in cities such as Fond du Lac, where the average monthly cost is just $3,744, or in La Crosse, where the cost is the lowest in the state at an average of $2,638 per month.
The Cost of Assisted Living in Surrounding Areas
Eau ClaireNational Ave…State AverageFond du LacGreen BayLa CrosseMadisonOshkosh$2,500$3,000$3,500$4,000$4,500$5,000
RegionCost of Assisted Living
Eau Claire$4,475.00
National Average$4,000.00
State Average$4,300.00
Fond du Lac$3,744.00
Green Bay$4,075.00
La Crosse$2,638.00